Note: in LinkedIn we have unspoken rule – when adding to contacts, please briefly introduce yourself and tell how that connection will be valuable to you.

Kestutis Matuliauskas
Current roles: event organizer, Founder of Ž and
About: Spent last 3 years in Silicon Valley, San Francisco and Sydney building startups and working in medium-size companies
Key skills: Php, WordPress, Symfony, Windows Phones, Front-End (HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, LocalStorage, Ajax), Git/SVN, Facebook Marketing, DSLR Cameras, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects

Edmundas Jankauskas
Current roles: Designer at, Co-Founder & CEO of PHP-Fusion Lietuva
About: Working with designs, WordPress CMS and PHP-Fusion CMS
Key skills: Graphic Designer, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, PHP-Fusion, WordPress, Git

Petras Slekys
Current role: Official representative of Mozilla Lietuva
About: Front-end developer and Technology evangelist
Key skills: Mozilla, Front-end, Design, UI/UX, CMS

Vytautas Valaitis
Key Project: Together with a team launched first Lithuanian satellite “LituanicaSAT-1” to space via NASA

Audrius Jankauskas
Current role: Co-Founder of ImpressPages
About: Guru of Front-end & PHP CMSs
Key skills: UI/UX, Php, ImpressPages, Magento, WordPress, Front-End technologies (HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, responsiveness), Git/SVN

Arny Zins
Current role: Business developer and Co-Founder at Founder of Trustribe
About: Visited Silicon Valley, attended list of startup events, had list of great pitches. Intelligent business founder and developer with strong Internet marketing knowledge
Key skills: sales and marketing, team management, project management, marketing, new ventures, Pitch professional

Laurynas Lukosevicius
Current role: Founder/Cinematographer at Cinema studio “Bulbfield”
About: Experienced camera-man
Key skills: DSRL Cameras, Adobe Premiere, Film making, short films production, promo/commercial video making

Laura Gylyte
Current role: Producer of Movie “Road A6”
About: Experienced movie producer
Key skills: DSRL Cameras, Film making, short films production, Social Media Marketing

Lukas Sirvydas
Current role: Founder of Cadre.LT
About: Experienced camera-man
Key skills: DSRL Cameras, Adobe Photoshop, WordPress, Php-Fusion, Front-End technologies (HTML5, CSS3)

Tautvydas Dagys
Current role: Official Windows Phone developer at “Microsoft Lietuva”
Key skills: C#, Windows Phone, HTML5

Alius Petraska
Current role: Senior Mobile Developer at “Adform”
Key skills: C#, Windows Phone, HTML5

Mantvydas Vaiciunas
Current role: Market Research Analyst at “Nextury Ventures”
Key skills: C#, Windows Phone, HTML5
PRs, HRs, Presenters, Photographers
People, promoting this event accross the world, as well as helping us with all required resources

Ramune Mickeviciute
Current role: Lead PR and official representative of in the US (San Francisco & Silicon Valley)
About: Worked in “LOGIN 2014” and “Silicon Valley comes to The Baltics 2013“. After finishing internship at UNICEF, moved to San Francisco and became official Lead PR to represent this event in San Francisco Bay Area
Key skills: PR (Public Relations), Sales, Press Releases, Social Media Strategist, Social Media Marketing, Google Analytics, SEO, Blogging, SEO copywriting

Neringa Matuliauskaite
Current role: HR and representative of
Key skills: Statistics, Mathematics, Google Analytics, HR

Austeja Birbilaite
Current role: Moderator at, HR of
Key skills: Statistics, Mathematics, Google Analytics, HR

Dziugas Kuliesius
Current role: Freelancer event host, journalist
About: Events host and presenter, recently worked as communication manager at Laisvoji Banga radio station
Key skills: Great speaker, creative writer, event host, curiosity, insight, quick reaction, problem solving

Robertinas Valiulis
Current role: Freelancer photographer at Fotografija RORO
About: Professional photographer
Key skills: Event photography, company’s employee photographer, wedding photographer, christening photographer